Tuesday, June 17, 2008


i have been home for not quite three days. i left corvallis on saturday at 6:30pm and arrived in moscow eight hours later...yes, at 2:30 in the morning (it is amazing what a few cigarettes, a diet pepsi, and a whole lotta 70s and 80s pop can do to keep me awake).
i have not quite had the time to unpack or see friends and i began my new job right away (which is awesome!). though i haven't had the opportunity to connect with people, i have fallen in love with moscow all over again. today, my friend afra called me for a chat and to plan getting together. she immediately commented on how happy i sounded. i didn't realize that, while in oregon, i developed a tone of stress, sleep deprivation, and overall general irritation. she could tell i was home, not because i told her, but because i wasn't full of doom and gloom.
later this afternoon, i was walking home from the U of I campus (about 2 miles) and was stopped by a stranger who also commented on my beauty and happiness. she said that it was refreshing to see someone enjoying life.
it is amazing what a little sunshine, warm weather, and a cool breeze will do to the spirit.

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